Payroll is really made simple with PlusfactorSQL - and it handles KiwiSaver for you too!
The data keyed (or imported via the Plusfactor Mobile Timesheets app - or imported from Time Clocks) captures the information necessary - including a description of work done - to complete the Payroll, and also to update the Job Records in the Accounting system with Job Cost - and thus changes in WIP where applicable. Details of Allowances and Deductions are also keyed into Timesheets. Deductions and Allowances are maintained on each Employee's Staff Record, and are automatically displayed in Timesheets.
Timesheets can be entered in Hours and Decimals, or Hours and Minutes, and there is a facility to enter Chargeable Travel via the timesheet entry screen. This facility permits the capture of Travel Time directly to Charge-up invoicing..
Timesheets for Salaried Staff can be generated automatically - or if it is required to charge Salaried Staff time to Jobs, then timesheets can be keyed as required.
Unproductive Time e.g. Sick, Annual and Statutory Holidays etc are also catered for, with Month to Date and Year to Date figures by Unproductive Category available at a glance. There is no limit on the number of Unproductive Categories.
Holiday Pay calculations are made in accordance with the Holiday Pay Act. Accrued Holiday Pay can be printed Payslips if required. Note that a “Company Anniversary Date” can be adopted if required. The system also tracks Qualifying Apprentice Hours.
Once the Timesheets have been created, the Payroll is complete. PAYE calculations are performed automatically, and the Payslips can be printed. Staff can be paid in Cash, by Cheque, by multiple Direct Credits, or a mix thereof. Naturally Pays can be made electronically via any of the Banks' Electronic Banking Packages - even Kiwibank! The PlusfactorSQL Payroll automatically generates a file in the appropriate format for your Bank's software to read.
The Gross Pay for each Employee is posted to a General Ledger Account nominated on each Staff Record.
All relevant IRD records are maintained, and Plusfactor prints all the requisite IRD forms. Plusfactor is IRD approved for printing the Employee Monthly Schedule - and we can pass the information directly to the irFile Website.
Note that Withholding Tax details are collected from the Accounting module, and these may also be transmitted to the irFile, together with the PAYE details.
Reports include Labour by Job, Labour by Worker, Unproductive Labour by Worker etc., along with all of the IRD forms required. Reports can be selected for a Date Range, making enquiries from government Departments requiring details of an Employee's pay from one date to another a snap to produce!
Changes in Tax Rates are updated by Plusfactor Group Ltd as and when required and the cost of this is covered under the Annual Licence Fee.
The data is retained for at least 8 years, as is the case with all Plusfactor modules.