Design Philosophy
The Design Philosophy
PlusfactoSQL was designed from day one as a Job Costing system. It is NOT a modular accounting system designed for general business use, but rather a purpose built system for specific Vertical Markets.
The approach calls for minimum data entry – preferably by the most competent people.
In most jobbing environments, the process starts with Cost Estimation. This process usually involves staff with specialist knowledge, and so they are the most likely to get the details right!
Plusfactor's Quoting & Estimating module produces a list of all of the individual Materials, Plant, Labour, and Subcontractor items that make up a Job.
Within an individual Estimate you can easily specify for each line item details such as a Supplier, a Supplier’s Product Code, a Description, a Cost Centre within the Job, a Cost Centre Type (Materials, Labour, Plant, Subcontractor) a Quantity, Selected Lengths, a Cost Price, Discount Amount or Percentage, a Mark-up Percentage, a Selling Price, a Schedule Number, and a Required Date.
ll of these are easily manipulated, and pricing information is available from the electronic pricebooks in the system. Supplier updates to pricebook information are effortlessly imported from disk, email, or the Web.
A single quote or a range can be updated from current pricefiles with just a few mouse clicks!
This data is passed seamlessly to the Purchase Ordering module
Having this detail captured at the Estimating stage means Purchase Orders can then be generated automatically – or manually whenever required. Naturally the program gives the User total control over the Order creation process, such as selecting by Supplier, by Required Date etc – and the system can check Stock Records to see if there is already sufficient of an item in Stock or On Order to cover the requirement without further purchases. Selected Lengths in a Quote are automatically broken out in Purchase Orders.
… and thence to Accounting
Once accepted, Quotes can be imported into the Accounting module, automatically updating the Component budgets for the Job. Incoming goods are then receipted in the Purchase Ordering module, and on receipt of the Supplier’s Invoice, Orders are finalised by the automatic creation of the Invoice document in the Accounting module – complete with all the details that were keyed in the Estimating process.
Payroll too links directly to Accounting
The Payroll module collects Timesheet information including the hours for each Job and Cost Centre, along with Unproductive Time such as Holidays, Sick Leave, Accident Compensation etc. Job Records and Reports in the Accounting system are automatically updated with these details as each Payroll is Posted.
This is truly one-shot data entry at it's best!