
Genuine multi-divisional accounting (optional at extra cost)

To get true profit figures by division requires multiple control accounts for WIP.

PlusfactorSQL can account for unlimited divisions, providing a full Trading and Profit & Loss reporting capability for each division, with Jobs allocated to any division. A Consolidated Trading A/C is also available, and a separate Jobs ledger is provided for each Division.

Client/Server software

PlusfactorSQL is a client/server program - so that the programs can reside on one machine on a network, with the data carried elsewhere. Again this is a feature normally reserved for corporate software.

PlusfactorSQL is Internet aware

Store a Wevsite address in PlusfactorSQL and click on it. The program will load your Internet software and connect to the selected site.

Documents and Reports produced by Plusfactor can be e-mailed directly from the program as .PDF files or in Excel & other formats.

Plusfactor support on the Internet includes an FAQ section and a News section. Program Updates and other support (eg. by e-mail) are provided via the Internet where appropriate

Drill down to the data you want

To make the locating of data easy, PlusfactorSQL provides a very high level of drill down. For instance, if you are scanning the transactions on a Job record, and want detail of an item, just double-click it, and the originating transaction - for example a Creditor invoice - opens up immediately.

Vital data is presented on screen

Need to see if an Invoice has been paid? Recall it to the screen, and the payment status is displayed right there - date, cheque number, and amount. Or you can call up a Report to list, for example, unpaid invoices by Job.

PlusfactorSQL Accounting maintains separate databases (all in one file) for your Debtors, Creditors, Prospects, and Contacts

A record may be flagged as any one of these - or any combination. You might start a record flagging it as a Prospect. When that Prospect becomes a client, simply tick the Customer box. If they also subsequently become a supplier, tick the Supplier box. No duplication of records, no double keying!